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 © Scientific focus, Last updated 2015-08-19. This website is climate-neutral (powered by 100 % sustainable energy and support of WWF and Research on tree biomass generation); hosted by Greenhost.  


We can help you to utilize the full potential of imaging tools in your research by finding the right instruments and the right protocols. Our broad experience with most of the imaging systems available today also allows us to offer independent advice when you are looking for a microscope to buy.

Microscopy and image


We can provide hands-on user training as well as image acquisition services. Through our partners, we have access to a wide range of state-of-the-art instruments. Furthermore, we can develop image processing and analysis algorithms according to your needs.

Presentation of results

and scientific writing

Our background as research group leaders provides us with abundant experience in the development of research strategies, creation of budgets, writing reports and publications and the presentation of results. We can offer you assistance with all of the above, especially related to biological and biomedical  subjects.  

We support your imaging-based research from

strategy formulation to presentation of results.

As a small start-up company, we have the flexibility to find the solution that fits 100% to your needs,  we work at high speed to prevent bottlenecks in your research and we aim to provide our services at  competitive prices. We support imaging-based research during all phases of a project, from the formulation of the  strategy and the actual imaging, to the presentation of results and creation of reports.   We have experience with a broad range of samples, ranging from mammalian cell lines and tissue  sections over plant samples to bacterial cells and viruses.   



Consulting and imaging


As a small start-up company, we  have the flexibility to find the  solution that fits 100% to your  needs, we work at high speed to prevent  bottlenecks in your research and we aim to  provide our services at competitive prices. We support imaging-based research during all  phases of a project, from the formulation of the strategy and the actual imaging, to the  presentation of results and creation of reports. We have experience with a broad range of  samples, ranging from mammalian cell lines  and tissue sections over plant samples to  bacterial cells and viruses. 
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© Scientific focus, Last updated 2015-08-19. This website is climate-neutral (powered by 100 % sustainable energy and support of WWF and Research on tree biomass generation); hosted by Greenhost.  


We can help you to utilize the full potential of imaging tools in your research by finding the right instruments and the right protocols. Our broad experience with most of the imaging systems available today also allows us to offer independent advice when you are looking for a microscope to buy.

Microscopy and image


We can provide hands-on user training as well as image acquisition services. Through our partners, we have access to a wide range of state-of-the-art instruments. Furthermore, we can develop image processing and analysis algorithms according to your needs.

Presentation of results and

scientific writing

Our background as research group leaders provides us with abundant experience in the development of research strategies, creation of budgets, writing reports and publications and the presentation of results. We can offer you assistance with all of the above, especially related to biological and biomedical  subjects.