Microscopy has seen an enormous development over the last years. Century-old convictions were overturned. Now, light microscopes can be used to image at single-molecule resolution and electron microscopes can be used for live-cell observations. In addition, microscopes can measure an incredible variety of parameters ranging from protein-protein interaction, cell surface tension, elemental composition to polarity of the probe environment and many more. Our research harnesses the power of microscopy to generate knowledge on how plants work and to develop biotechnolocial applications. The fruitfulness of this approach is documented by 43 publications that appeared in international peer-review journals (e.g. PNAS, Currenet Biology, Molecular Plant, Nature Plants) over the last 15 years.
Scientific focus developed a camera system with high sensitivitiy and signal-to-noise ratio for cost-efficient fluorescence and bright field microscopy.
We can help you to develop imaging strategies and to realize them.
Microscopy has seen an enormous development over the last years. Century-old convictions were overturned. Now, light microscopes can be used to image at single- molecule resolution and electron microscopes can be used for live-cell observations. In addition, microscopes can measure an incredible variety of parameters ranging from protein-protein interaction, cell surface tension, elemental composition to polarity of the probe environment and many more.We can help you to find the right solution for you and to realize the full potential of what microscopy offers today!
Scientific focus provides support for all aspects of your microscopy-related research project.